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Is Your House Sinking?

Admin • March 31, 2020
Residential House with Pathway — Houston, TX — Bonilla Foundation Repair

Your house needs a foundation on which to rest. This prevents it from sinking into the soil or being exposed to massive erosion. Ideally, when prepared and poured correctly, your foundation remains strong and healthy. However, there are many natural factors that can lead to foundation complications, including sinking. If you believe your home is sinking, learn more about what you can do to prevent and fix the problem.

What Causes a Sinking Foundation?

In some cases, a sinking foundation is caused by the type of soil. Expansive clay soil, in particular, causes major problems because it absorbs so much water at once, which swells the ground. This puts pressure on the foundation, which could possibly cause it to sink or crack. Poorly compacted filler material can further exacerbate the problem.

The other leading cause of a sinking foundation is poor drainage. If your property slopes toward your house, it allows water to pool around the foundation, which softens the soil. If there isn't enough ground coverage or drainage pipes, this increases erosion, which removes soil from directly around or underneath the foundation.

What Are the Signs of A Sinking Foundation?

One of the most obvious signs that there is something wrong with your foundation is when it starts to crack. Cracks often appear within a year after the foundation has been laid. This is normal because the foundation is adjusting to the ground. However, if these cracks worsen, or new cracks appear years later, the foundation may be sinking.

Cracks can also appear on your siding and walls as the house becomes uneven. You'll notice these around doors and windows inside and outside the home.

In addition, the windows and doors may stick when you try to open or close them because the changes in the foundation have altered how they fit. When you check the windows and doors, make sure to pay attention to the floor. The more uneven the floor, the more likely the house is sinking on one side.

How Can You Prevent A Sinking Foundation?

The best way to prevent a sinking foundation is to ensure there isn't too much water around the foundation. This means you should improve the slope of your yard, so that water drains away from the house. You may also want to install new drains. You can also improve drainage by planting ground coverage, which will prevent erosion, or adding mulch, which slows water.

The other part of preventing a sinking foundation is to prevent cracks. If you do see cracks, repair them as soon as possible. In addition, prevent new cracks from appearing by keeping plants, especially those with thick, long roots, away from the house.

Can a Sinking Foundation Be Repaired?

If your foundation is sinking, there are ways a qualified technician can help. Repair often includes slabjacking or hydraulic jacking. Slabjacking is a process that involves injecting grout under the foundation. This grout pushes the foundation back up to its level position. This method is often reserved for minor foundation complications.

In more serious cases, hydraulic jacking is the better choice. This involves inserting steel posts through the soil to stabilize the soil. A hydraulic jack is then used to raise the foundation back to its proper position.

Luckily, if your foundation is sinking, there are ways it can be repaired. However, your best plan of action is to avoid the problem to begin with. Improve drainage and repair any damage to the foundation as it appears. With good care, you can keep your foundation solid and strong enough to support your home.

If you would like to know more about foundation repair, or if you need to schedule a consultation or a free estimate, contact usat Bonilla Foundation Repair today.

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