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Do Your Windows Indicate You Have Foundation Problems?

Admin • January 12, 2021
Painted Shut Windows — Houston, TX — Bonilla Foundation Repair

What's more annoying than a window that won't open and close? That's easy - a window that won't open and close because your home's foundation is failing. Unfortunately, sticking or damaged window frames are often a sign of problems that have developed in the house's foundation. That's not always the case, though, so how do you tell the difference?

Here are some things to check if you're wondering whether your windows are just being obnoxious or if their problems have a more sinister cause.

Check That Windows Aren't Painted Shut

If you've just moved into an older house, foundation problems may be common, but painted-shut windows are all too common as well. Check around the perimeter of the window sash to see if the junction between two moving parts has been painted over. If so, you may be able to remedy the problem by sliding a putty knife along the junction, then prying the window open.

Check for Moisture and Humidity Problems

Another reason windows may stick is moisture and humidity problems. This is especially relevant if you have wooden window frames because those swell up most in wet weather. If you do notice that the windows stick more in wet weather, this could be the only issue. Or you could have a moisture problem such as a slab leak.

Other moisture problems that can cause a window to stick include roof leaks, siding leaks, or just too much humidity inside your home (which could also be due to inadequate basement waterproofing). Roof or siding leaks can also cause mold, rot, blistering paint, and other signs of excess moisture around your window.

Check for Cracks Around the Windows and Doors

Sticking windows and doors can mean, in some cases, that the window frames and door frames have gone ever so slightly cockeyed. The misalignment may not be pronounced enough to notice with the naked eye but enough that the well-squared windows and doors no longer fit quite right. Typically, this is because the foundation of the house is not quite flat anymore.

So if you have just one sticking window, the problem is likely not a sign of foundation issues. But if you have multiple windows and doors sticking, you should start paying attention. Look for gaps or hairline cracks around the windows and doors and elsewhere on the walls (typically up near the ceiling). These signs could mean windows and doors are signaling foundation problems.

Check Your Foundation

Obvious foundation issues, such as a large tree growing right next to your house or large cracks opening up in the foundation wall, may be obvious to even an inexperienced eye. If you see these types of problems, call for a foundation repair at once.

If you suspect there could be a foundation problem that's not evident to the eye, call for an inspection. Some foundation problems, such as gradual settling, may cause unevenness and other issues without any large dramatic signs. A slab leak, for example, can destabilize your foundation while being invisible because the leak is buried underneath your concrete slab.

In the best-case scenario, your foundation inspection will prove you don't have any foundation problems. In this case, maybe your windows just need to be lubricated or, at worst, replaced.

Whether you've got a slab leak, need a complete foundation restoration, or simply require basement waterproofing to prevent foundation problems in future, Bonilla Foundation Repair is here for you. Simply call us today if you'd like to obtain a free estimate or schedule a free inspection of your foundation to determine whether your window problems indication you have foundation issues.

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